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22–27 Jul 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Atomic Aspects of Light Dark Matter Searches

24 Jul 2018, 15:00


Talk Theory 2.4 Theory


Prof. Cheng-Pang Liu (National Dong Hwa University)


Low-threshold detectors at sub-keV levels open windows to directly search for light dark matter (LDM) particles and constrain their possible interactions with electrons. As the energy and momentum scales of such scattering processes overlap with typical atomic scales, the many-body physics plays an important role in interpreting experimental data. In this talk, we present our approach and results of various scattering processes involving LDM or neutrinos with germanium or xenon, and discuss their implications for direct LDM searches and neutrino detection.

Primary author

Prof. Cheng-Pang Liu (National Dong Hwa University)

Presentation materials