Workshop Photo


We are pleased to announce a Topical Workshop on “Extracting information from Electro-Magnetic Monitors in Hadron Accelerators”, which will be held at CERN from May 14 - 16 2018, as part of “Advanced Diagnostics for Accelerators” (ADA) within the newly EU funded ARIES programme (Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society).

Experts from the scientific community of beam instrumentation, beam dynamics and accelerator operation will gather with the aim to present the status and opportunities of advanced measurement and analysis tools. This concerns the use of beam position monitors and special electro-magnetic  pick-ups for the determination of lattice parameters and beam parameters such as tune, chromaticity, beam size and their modification through space charge, impedance or beam-beam.

Workshop summary: pdf-file

The event will take place in the French part of CERN, in the auditorium of building 774-R-013 in Prévessin. CERN provides a shuttle service linking both Swiss and French parts. Timetable and further information are consultable under the memu "shuttle timetable".


The registration fee is 100 € and includes accommodation at the CERN Hostel, breakfasts in restaurant 1 in building 501, lunches at the 774 cafeteria, coffee breaks, workshop dinner, thank to the sponsoring by ARIES-ADA.

Registration fee should be paid by wire transfer only using the below bank details. Please make sure to clearly indicate your name and first name + code 64856 "ARIES Workshop".

Bank name: UBS SA - GENEVE

Bank address: Rue du Rhone 8 -  Case postale 2950 - 1211 Genève 2 - CH

IBAN: CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3


Account holder: CERN-CONFERENCES

CERN internal payment should be done via a TID using the budget code 64856. You can insert the name of Madeleine Catin as "provider - Technical contact". Thank you.

Accommodation at the CERN Hostel: A block of rooms has been made at the CERN Hostel for workshop participants from Sunday 13rd May to Wednesday 16th May (3 nights). However, please note that the Hostel is fully booked from 16th May onwards ! 

BE Auditorium in Prévessin site/FR
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