The registration fee is 100 € and includes accommodation at the CERN Hostel, breakfasts in restaurant Novae 1 in building 501, lunches at the 774 cafeteria, coffee breaks, workshop dinner, thank to the sponsoring by ARIES-ADA.
Registration fee should be paid by wire transfer only using the below bank details. Please make sure to clearly indicate your name and first name + code 64856 "ARIES Workshop".
Bank name: UBS SA - GENEVE
Bank address: Rue du Rhone 8 - Case postale 2950 - 1211 Genève 2 - CH
IBAN: CH66 0024 0240 FP10 0541 3
Account holder: CERN-CONFERENCES
CERN internal payment should be done via a TID using the budget code 64856. You can insert the name of Madeleine Catin as "provider - Technical contact". Thank you.
Registration open until 9th May.