ATLAS production system called ProdSys2 is used during Run2 to define
and to organize workflows and to schedule, submit and execute payloads
in a distributed computing infrastructure. We design ProdSys2 to manage
all ATLAS workflows: data (re)processing, MC simulation, physics groups
analysis objects production, High Level Trigger processing, SW release
building and user analysis. It simplifies the life of ATLAS scientists by
offering a web-based user interface with rich options, which
implements a user-friendly environment for workflow management, such as
a simple way of combining different data flows, and real-time monitoring,
optimised for use with a huge amount of information to present. We
present an overview of the ATLAS Production System technical
implementation: job and task definitions, workflow manager and the web-based user
interface. We show how it interfaces to different computing resources, for
instance, HPC systems and clouds, and how the Production System interacts with
the ATLAS data management system. We describe important technical design
decisions, work experience acquired during the LHC Run2 and how will the Production System
evolve to be used in the heterogeneous computing environment foreseen for
Run3 and High-Luminosity LHC.