4:30 PM
High-dimensional neutrino masses
Gaetana Anamiati
4:40 PM
Can Chern-Simons Field or Rarita-Schwinger Field be a Volkov- Akulov Goldstone?
Sukruti Bansal
4:50 PM
On TMDs for multi-parton processes
Marcin Bury
5:00 PM
D-branes in lambda deformations
Sibylle Driezen
5:10 PM
Renormalons effects in top-mass sensitive observables
Silvia Ferrario Ravasio
5:20 PM
Stringy dark matter in the KL moduli stabilization scenario
Thaisa Guio
5:30 PM
Freeze-in of light scalars before and after electroweak symmetry breaking
Saniya Heeba
5:40 PM
Exploring doubly charged Higgs bosons collider signals in light of low energy LFV constraints
Magdalena Kordiaczynska
5:50 PM
Asymptotic expansions for highly boosted Higgs production through the loop-tree duality
Judith Plenter