1st Workshop on High Energy Theory and Gender
Summary of the workshop: click here
This workshop will both focus on recent developments in theoretical high energy physics and cosmology, and discuss issues of gender and equal opportunities in the field.
In addition to talks on nuclear and string theory, SM and BSM phenomenology, lattice field theory and cosmology, each day talks and panel discussions will be dedicated to research on gender in academia, with an aim to further the development and implementation of action plans to support women and other minorities in physics.
Since any positive change needs the support of the whole community we encourage everyone, men and women, junior and senior scientists, to participate in this workshop.
Links to previous similar workshops:
1st Workshop on String Theory and Gender
2nd Workshop on String Theory and Gender
3rd Workshop on String Theory and Gender
Report on Gender Activities of the COST Action MP1210: Click here
Registration: There is no registration fee. Applications to attend will be open until September 01, 2018, within constraints of available space. If you wish to give a short talk or poster please register by June 30, 2018.
Physics talks - confirmed speakers:
Ana Achucarro (Leiden U.) - Inflation
Agnese Bissi (Uppsala U.) - AdS/CFT correspondence
Alejandra Castro (Amsterdam U.) - Black hole entropy
Laura Covi (Goettingen U.) - Cosmology
JiJi Fan (Brown U.) - BSM Phenomenology
Elvira Gamiz (Granada U.) - Lattice QCD & flavour physics
Silvia Pascoli (Durham U.) - Neutrino Physics
Tracy Slatyer (MIT) - Dark Matter
Maria Ubiali (Cambridge U., DAMTP) - Parton distributions from high precision collider data
Eleni Vryonidou (CERN) - SM Effective Field Theory
Korinna Zapp (LIP, Lisbon & CERN) - Heavy Ion Physics
Gender talks - confirmed speakers:
Marieke van den Brink (Nijmegen U.)
Meytal Eran-Jona (Weizmann Inst.)
Julie Moote (UCL, London)
Yosef Nir (Weizmann Inst.)
Jessica Wade (Imperial College London)
Geneviève Guinot (CERN Diversity Office)
International Advisory Committee:
- Sonia Bacca (JGU Mainz)
- Anna Ceresole (INFN Turin)
- Valentina Forini (City, U. Of London and HU Berlin)
- Rohini M. Godbole (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
- Pilar Hernández (Valencia University, IFIC)
- Maria Lledo (Valencia University, IFIC)
- Prado Martin Moruno (Madrid University)
- Yosef Nir (Weizmann Institute)
- Michela Petrini (Paris, LPTHE)
- Laura Reina (Florida State University)
- Geraldine Servant (Universität Hamburg & DESY)
Organising Committee:
- Gian Giudice (CERN)
- Alessandra Gnecchi (CERN)
- Mariana Grana (CEA/Saclay)
- Gabriele Honecker (JGU Mainz)
- Yolanda Lozano (University of Oviedo)
- Silvia Penati (University of Milano-Bicocca)
- Gavin Salam (CERN)
- Marika Taylor (University of Southampton)
- Andrea Thamm (CERN)
- Malgorzata Worek (RWTH Aachen University)
This workshop is supported by the CERN-TH Department, University of Milano-Bicocca, ERC Consolidator Grant 772408 "Deconstructing the string landscape", the Cluster of Excellence PRISMA DFG no. EXC 1098, the COST Network CA16201 PARTICLEFACE "Unraveling new physics at the LHC through the precision frontier", and CERN Diversity Office.
The COST Network CA16201 PARTICLEFACE "Unraveling new physics at the LHC through the precision frontier" provides a special grant to support a few PhD students and/or young postdocs working for an institute located in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Eligibility is by location of your institution, not by nationality! For more information and for submitting your application for the COST grant, please contact Malgorzata Worek (E-mail: worek@physik.rwth-aachen.de). The application deadline for the COST grant is 30 June 2018.
Abdur Rehman
Adil Belhaj
Adrianus Schellekens
Agnese Bissi
Alejandra Castro
Alessandro Strumia
Ana Achucarro
Anagha Vasudevan
Andrea Thamm
Anja Brüggemann
Anna Ceresole
Anne Spiering
Anne-Christine Davis
Antoine Van Proeyen
Beatriz Gato Rivera
Bivudutta Mishra
Chrysoula Markou
Claire Zukowski
Clara Peset Martin
Claudia Frugiuele
Céline Zwikel
Daniel Fernández
David Andriot
David McKeen
Denise Aparecida Moreira De Godoy
Dries Seynaeve
Elena De Paoli
Elena Santopinto
Eleni Vryonidou
Elvira Gamiz
Fabian Joswig
Gaetana Anamiati
Garner Katharina
Giulia Zanderighi
Glauber Dorsch
Hajar Ebrahim Najafabadi
Irais Bautista Guzman
Irina Aref'eva
Iva Lovrekovic
Jess Wade
JiJi Fan
Jochen Heitger
Judith Plenter
Julie Moote
Korinna Christine Zapp
Laura COVI
Laura Moreno Valero
Magdalena Kordiaczynska
Malgorzata Worek
Manya Sahni
Marcin Bury
Margot Montassine
Maria A. Lledó
Maria Cristina Diamantini
Maria Isabel Pedraza Morales
Maria Ubiali
Mariana Grana
Marieke Van den Brink
Marija Tomašević
Marika Taylor
Marina Krstic Marinkovic
Marina Walt
Marine De Clerck
Masoumeh Aali-Javanangrouh
Meytal Eran Jona
Onesimo Mtintsilana
Oscar Arandes
Parbati Sahoo
Pia Leonie Jones Petrak
Poulami Nandi
Prado Martín-Moruno
Rasulkhozha S. Sharafiddinov
Sajid Ali
Saniya Heeba
Saskia Demulder
Sibylle Driezen
Silvia Ferrario Ravasio
Silvia Pascoli
Silvia Penati
Simon Kuberski
Sukruti Bansal
Szymon Tracz
Tabea Eder
Thaisa Guio
Tracy Slatyer
Valentina Forini
Vera Elliger
Yaron Efrat
Yolanda Lozano
Yosef Nir