19/12 --> S. Kuksendo (UKAEA)
20/12 --> T. Ishida (KEK)
Three capsules containing Ti-base alloys were irradiated as part of the proton irradiation experiment organized by the RaDIATE Collaboration at the Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP). The downstream Ti-1 capsule was opened at PNNL in spring 2018, the upstream Ti capsule was opened at PNNL in fall 2018, and the downstream Ti-2 capsule will be shipped to PNNL from BNL in spring 2019. ...
Antiprotons are produced by colliding a pulsed 1.5*1013 proton per pulse proton beam of 26 GeV/c momentum from CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) with a fixed target made of a dense and high-Z material: iridium. In the framework of the Extra Low Energy Antiproton Ring (ELENA) project, in order to address specific requirements for the new designs and operational procedures, a deep understanding of...
During operation, the mechanical properties of the 316L stainless steel target module at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) are altered, and the vessel surfaces are damaged by cavitation-induced erosion. The mechanical properties of other high-dose components, such as the proton beam window, are also affected by radiation during operation, which limit their useful lifetimes. A robust post...
Analysis of the conditions on the window while in-service.
Mechanical analysis of the window.
Possible irradiation effects contributing to the window failure.
Upcoming physical testing of the irradiated and un-irradiated window material.
In the framework of the Extra Low Energy Antiproton Ring (ELENA) project, a new upgrade of the CERN AD facility is planned, including the replacement of the actual AD-target. Dynamic stresses take place in target materials as a consequence of the sudden increase of temperature after each pulse, leading to their potential failure. In this context, the two HRMT-27 and HRMT-42 experiments have...
BDF target: beam tests and material R&D