The High Voltage-Monolithic Active Pixels Sensors (HV-MAPS) detector technology is a promising candidate for particle physics experiments. While standard hybrid sensors require bump-bonding or gluing to assemble the sensor and the readout electronics together, fully monolithic HV-MAPS allow integrating these parts onto one single chip, which makes them more cost-efficient especially for...
Two sets of passive CMOS detectors were studied: thinned with processed and metalized backplane and not thinned without backplane processing with substrate biased through the implant on top of the device. Detectors were irradiated with neutrons in reactor in Ljubljana. Collected charge was measured with electrons from Sr-90 source using an external amplifier. Depletion depth and charge...
With the upcoming HL-LHC upgrade, there is ongoing investigations on the viability of HV-CMOS sensors for the upgrade of the ATLAS pixel detector. The HV-CMOS technology is showing great promise, however, a drawback in the standard process is the use of low resistivity silicon (10 - 20 Ωcm) wafers, as this commonly only provides a rather small depletion region before breakdown voltage is...
This contribution will describe the developments foreseen for the characterization of the RD50 MPW1 HV-CMOS monolithic pixel sensors implemented in the LFoundry 150 nm technology in the framework of the RD50 collaboration. A custom board to accommodate the RD50 MPW1 device under test is being designed. This board will be fully compatible with the CaR (Control and Readout) interface board used...
Following from work in the wider community, specific High Voltage-CMOS (HV-CMOS) developments within the RD50 collaboration have started with a small test prototype (RD50-MPW1) in the 150 nm HV-CMOS technology from LFoundry S.r.l. The prototype, manufactured using mid (500 Ω·cm) and high (1.9 kΩ·cm) resistivity substrates, integrates two fully monolithic matrices of pixels and test structures...