30 January 2019 to 3 February 2019
Schladming, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone

Initial deformation of a QGP droplet from collisions with polarized deuterons

2 Feb 2019, 09:00
Schladming, Austria

Schladming, Austria

JUFA Hotel Schladming Coburgstraße 253 8970 Schladming Austria


Wojciech Broniowski (IFJ PAN)


We propose to study ultra-relativistic collisions of polarized deuterons with heavy nuclei. Hydrodynamic expansion of the deformed initial source yields azimuthal asymmetry in the hadron emission with respect to the polarization axis. This provides an unequivocal way to probe experimentally the shape-flow transmutation mechanism responsible for the observed collectivity in small systems.

[based on Phys.Rev.Lett. 121 (2018) 202301]

Primary authors

Wojciech Broniowski (IFJ PAN) Piotr Bozek (AGH University of Science and Technology)

Presentation materials