30 January 2019 to 3 February 2019
Schladming, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone


The proceedings book for Excited QCD 2019 will be published by Acta Physica Polonica B - Proceedings Supplement. Online versions of proceedings from the previous editions are available on


Please send us your contribution to our email:


The latex document class and template are available at  : http://www.actaphys.uj.edu.pl/for_authors/.


Your contribution should be 6 pages long, in the APP styles, we need both sources and pdf, together with the copyright transfer. Please send a scanned version of your copyright transfer to us at the above e-mail address.

The final deadline for proceedings submission is April 7, 2019

Please compress all files in a file with your names, say:

or .tar.gz or .rar etc

The book will be mailed to the address you provided upon your registration.

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