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3–12 May 2019
Museum Casa de los Árabes
Cuba timezone

Efficient cosmic-ray acceleration at reverse shocks in supernova remnants

8 May 2019, 09:20
Museum Casa de los Árabes

Museum Casa de los Árabes

Ofícios 16, Havana 10100, Old Havana


Satoru Katsuda (Saitama University)


When a supernova explodes, a blast wave is generated and propagates into the ambient medium, whereas the deceleration of the ejecta by the ambient medium induces an inward-propagating shock wave, the so-called reverse shock (RS). If the RSs can efficiently accelerate cosmic-rays, then they can be important production sites of heavy-element cosmic-rays. We present evidence for efficient cosmic-ray acceleration at reverse shocks in young Galactic supernova remnants including Cassiopeia A and RCW 86, based on recent X-ray observations with Chandra.

Primary author

Satoru Katsuda (Saitama University)

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