9–11 May 2007
Manchester, United Kingdom
Europe/Zurich timezone

Interconnection & Interoperability of Grids between Europe and China the EUChinaGRID Project

10 May 2007, 11:00
Manchester, United Kingdom

Manchester, United Kingdom


Dr Sijin Qian (Peking University (Beijing, China))

Describe the scientific/technical community and the scientific/technical activity using (planning to use) the EGEE infrastructure. A high-level description is needed (neither a detailed specialist report nor a list of references).

EUChinaGRID provides specific support actions to foster the integration and
interoperability of the Grid infrastructures in Europe (EGEE) and China (CNGrid)
for the benefit of eScience applications and worldwide Grid initiatives. The
project studies and supports the extension of a pilot intercontinental
infrastructure using the EGEE-supported applications and promotes the
migration of new application in Astroparticle Physics (ARGO-YBJ) and Biology
(Never Born Proteins).

Report on the experience (or the proposed activity). It would be very important to mention key services which are essential for the success of your activity on the EGEE infrastructure.

EUChinaGRID has started two relevant technical activities:
- Interoperability of gLite with GOS Middleware
- Compatibility of Grid Middleware with IPv6 and interoperability with IPv4.

Describe the added value of the Grid for the scientific/technical activity you (plan to) do on the Grid. This should include the scale of the activity and of the potential user community and the relevance for other scientific or business applications

Funded by European Union, EUChinaGRID Project officially started on 1st
January 2006 with the aim to interconnect the existing European and Chinese
Grid Infrastructures and enable their interoperability, thus creating a network
of collaboration between Europe and China.

With a forward look to future evolution, discuss the issues you have encountered (or that you expect) in using the EGEE infrastructure. Wherever possible, point out the experience limitations (both in terms of existing services or missing functionality)

The studies on IPv6 compatibility have shown that most of the gLite code is not
compliant and needs to be rewritten following the rules of independency from
the IP stack.
Comparison of gLite and GOS services lead to the proposal of a gateway that
will allow job submission across the two infrastructures of EGEE and CNGRID.

Primary author

Dr Federico Ruggieri (INFN)

Presentation materials