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9–11 May 2007
Manchester, United Kingdom
Europe/Zurich timezone

Performance Analysis of Atmosphere and Ocean Model on EU-IndiaGrid Infrastructure

10 May 2007, 09:30
Manchester, United Kingdom

Manchester, United Kingdom


Dr Stefano Cozzini (CNR-INFM Democritos and ICTP)

Report on the experience (or the proposed activity). It would be very important to mention key services which are essential for the success of your activity on the EGEE infrastructure.

At the moment the ReGCM Code is running in parallel on the GARUDA Indian GRID and we
are currently porting and evaluating and comparing performance of the code on both
the infrastructures. The code is a parallel code and it therefore fundamental to have
an efficient MPI implementation above the grid easily usable. Another key issue about
Earth and Atmospheric simulation is the handling of I/O requirements: beside the size
of the output generated there could be also privacy and security issues associated
with them.

Describe the added value of the Grid for the scientific/technical activity you (plan to) do on the Grid. This should include the scale of the activity and of the potential user community and the relevance for other scientific or business applications

RegCM3 is a regional climate model developed at International Center for Theoretical
Physics (ICTP) and is used widely for downscaling the climate scenarios generated by
Global climate models. The code is parallelized using MPI and is scalable on a
cluster of computers. The ocean model ROMS has been developed by Rutgers University
and UCLA and is widely used for simulating the ocean conditions. Under the
EU-IndiaGrid initiatives it is planned to develop a coupled ocean atmosphere regional
model for generating realistic climate scenarios which will help the International
community have a better understanding of the effects of various green house gases on
the climate. We discuss the design of computational workflow and the performance of
the RegCM3 and ROMS model on the EUIndia grid resources.

With a forward look to future evolution, discuss the issues you have encountered (or that you expect) in using the EGEE infrastructure. Wherever possible, point out the experience limitations (both in terms of existing services or missing functionality)

The first attempt to use the grid revealed as main issue the Information System. As
a matter of fact the IS provided by EGEE infrastructure seems a little bit weak in
this respect not indicating with enough details the computational resource
MPI-enabled on the GRID. It is for instance not easy to spot out which are the
cluster and/or the MPI resource that are based on high speed network (like for
instance Myrinet and/or Infiband cards).

Describe the scientific/technical community and the scientific/technical activity using (planning to use) the EGEE infrastructure. A high-level description is needed (neither a detailed specialist report nor a list of references).

C-DAC, India and ICTP, Italy are collaborating in EUIndia Grid project -an
interoperable Grid infrastructure for the European and Indian Scientific Community.
In this project, earth and atmospheric Science has been identified as a pilot grid
application. In this presentation we give a brief overview of the EU-India Grid
Infrastructure and the performance of an atmospheric model RegCM3 (Regional Climate
Model Version 3) and an Ocean Model ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) on it.

Primary author

Dr Stefano Cozzini (CNR-INFM Democritos and ICTP)


Akshara Kaginalkar (CDAC-Pune) Ratnam Venkata (CDAC-Pune) Riccardo Dimeo (ICTP)

Presentation materials