9–11 May 2007
Manchester, United Kingdom
Europe/Zurich timezone


Grid Monitoring and Accounting

11 May 2007, 11:00
Manchester, United Kingdom

Manchester, United Kingdom


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Presentation materials

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Pablo Saiz (CERN)
11/05/2007, 11:00
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Prof. Cecile Germain-Renaud (LRI and LAL (CNRS - University Paris-Sud 11))
11/05/2007, 11:20
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Mr laurent bobelin (CSSI)
11/05/2007, 11:40
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Dr Carlos Fernandez (CESGA), Dr Javier Lopez (CESGA)
11/05/2007, 12:00
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN-BARI)
11/05/2007, 14:00
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Mr Misurelli Giuseppe (INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
11/05/2007, 14:20
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Mr Catalin Cirstoiu (CERN)
11/05/2007, 14:40
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Mr Igor Tkachev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
11/05/2007, 15:00
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Mr Emir Imamagic (University Computing Centre (SRCE))
11/05/2007, 15:20
Grid Monitoring and Accounting
oral presentation
Building timetable...