Sep 3 – 7, 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

What comes next once you're comfortable with the syntax of a programming language or two? The aim of this school is to give an introduction to topics that go beyond the initial knowledge of reading and writing code. How do you design programs that are modular and reusable? How can libraries in different languages be used together? What are tools that can help in documenting and testing code? How can development and releases be managed in projects with multiple authors? In a mixture of talks and many hands-on sessions we'll try to address this next step in coding.

Rauschenwasser 78 37120 Bovenden Germany

For Monday to Friday all participants will be accommodated on site (Mariaspring) and full board is included!


If you arrive Sunday or want to leave Saturday, you will have to arrange your accommodation for those nights yourself. We have arranged for a room contingent in Intercity Hotel Goettingen at a room rate of 80 Euro/night. To book one of these rooms just send an email to indicating the booking reference MCnet2018. Note that bookings have to be done before July 31th!

Note, registration will close July 31st.