Jun 24 – 28, 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

Update on study for anomalous top FCNC couplings at FCC-eh

Jun 25, 2019, 3:30 PM
Klimt (Ground floor)


Ground floor

Poster Physics Poster session


Prof. Orhan Cakir (Ankara University (TR))


The top quark FCNC interactions would be a good test of new physics at present and future colliders. We present an update on study for top-quark-photon and top-quark-Z boson effective FCNC interaction vertices through the production process ep—>eWq+X at future circular collider-electron hadron (FCC-eh). The cross sections for the signal and interfering background have been calculated for different values of coupling parameters lambda_q for tqgamma vertices and kappa_q for tqZ vertices. We find the sensitivities to the branching ratios BR(t->qgamma)=8.5x10^(-7), BR(t->qZ)=6.0x10^(-6) for an integrated luminosity projections of 2 ab^(-1) at FCC-eh.


Prof. Orhan Cakir (Ankara University (TR))


Dr Ali Yilmaz (Giresun University) Prof. Ilkay Turk Cakir (Giresun University) Prof. Abdulkadir Senol (Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University) Prof. Haluk Denizli (Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University)

Presentation materials