Jun 24 – 28, 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

Iron-based wires and tapes produced with simple and scalable methods

Jun 25, 2019, 3:30 PM
Klimt (Ground floor)


Ground floor

Poster Superconducting magnets & associated technologies Poster session


Marina Putti (University of Genova)


Among the iron-based Superconductors (IBS) the 11 and the 122 family have attracted much attention because they show excellent superconducting properties for high field applications. The 11 family is also very robust against proton induced damage, and this is important in view of applications of superconductors in radiation-harsh environments such as particle accelerators. Moreover, conductors of these two phases produced as Powder In Tube (PIT) wires or Coated Conductors (CC) have reached a transport Jc that exceeds the practical level of 105 A/cm2 at 4.2 K and 10 T but the route to the realization of conductors in a scalable way is still long though.
In this work we explore the possibility to produce 11 coated conductors and 122 ex-situ PIT wires in a simple and scalable way. On one side we are working at the development of prototype IBS CC through the deposition of thin films of the phase Fe(Se,Te) via PLD on different metallic templates with and without buffer layers. In parallel, starting from home-made (Ba,K)Fe2As2 powders produced at SPIN, we produced short samples of ex-situ PIT wires and tapes at ambient pressure.

We acknowledge funding from CERN for this collaboration activity within the FCC Study (addendum FCC-GOV-CC-0086).


Mrs Giulia Sylva (Università degli studi di Genova & CNR Spin Genova) V. Braccini (CNR-SPIN, Genova, Italy) andrea malagoli (CNR-SPIN) Emilio Bellingeri (CNR-SPIN) A. Provino (CNR-SPIN, Genova, Italy) P. Manfrinetti (University of Genova, Italy ) carlo ferdeghini (CNR) Marina Putti (University of Genova) Ms Cristina Bernini (CNR Spin Genova) Dr Mikhail Lisitskiy (CNR Spin Naples) Giuseppe Celentano Dr Angelo Vannozzi (ENEA, Frascati (RM)) Dr Andrea Augieri (ENEA, Frascati (RM) Dr Antonella Mancini (ENEA, Frascati (RM)) Alexander Lunt (CERN) Simon Hopkins (CERN) Amalia Ballarino (CERN)

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