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24–28 Jun 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

Safety topics requiring further investigation

27 Jun 2019, 10:30
Eva/Inno (1st floor)


1st floor

Presentation Technical infrastructure & operation Infrastructure and operation


Thomas Otto (CERN)


One of the aims of the FCC CDR was to demonstrate that a high-energy accelerator in a 100 km tunnel could be built and operated safely without putting human life at danger. The safety-performance based design method (chosen for the CDR) showed that life safety for potential fire and oxygen deficiency scenarios was assured for a tunnel separated into 440 m long compartments with fire resistant walls and smoke/helium extraction systems.
Future studies must extend this analysis to areas other than the FCC main tunnel and address wider safety objectives, which include environmental protection, protection of CERN’s property (equipment and infrastructures) and the continuity of operation of the accelerator and experimental facilities. To address cryogenic hazard, improved models must be developed to describe the development of a helium release in more detail.
Future radiation protection studies shall include the evaluation of activation levels at the FCC ee machine, mitigation methods in the FCC-hh experiments and validate the fluids management and surface site organisation as the project develops, to demonstrate compliance with radiation protection requirements.



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