24–28 Jun 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study of HE-LHC ventilation strategy in case of fire

27 Jun 2019, 10:52
Eva/Inno (1st floor)


1st floor

Presentation Technical infrastructure & operation Infrastructure and operation


Oriol Rios Rubiras (CERN)


The current CDR sets a ventilation strategy developed together with EN/CV. CFD simulations of the inflow and outflow requirements of such a new system are necessary to properly size it and ensure performance with all different credible and degraded scenarios (e.g. fire). Additionally, a detailed study on the mechanical smoke dampers and required fire resistance of the ducts will help on optimizing the cost/efficient solution. This talks will present and in-depth CFD analysis of full LHC sector considering different fire scenarios and degraded modes. The simulations will also be used to establish the system requirements in terms of fire resistance.


Presentation materials