Jun 24 – 28, 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

Development of Nb3Sn for FCC in Japan

Jun 27, 2019, 1:30 PM
Ballroom II (Ground floor)

Ballroom II

Ground floor

Presentation Superconducting magnets & associated technologies Magnets


Toru Ogitsu


CERN, KEK and Tohoku & Tokai university have jointly launched a R&D program.The scope of the program is to develop, produce in representative lengths and characterize Nb3Sn wire with enhanced characteristics. The final goal is to achieve in representative unit lengths of material the development targets defined, on the basis of magnets performance, for the FCC Nb3Sn conductor. Two Japanese companies have joined this program and started the conductor R&D. Several R&D wires have been produced and non-copper Jc exceeding 1100 A/mm^2 has been achieve in one of the R&D wires. In the presentation, the status of the R&D and the future plan will be presented.


Toru Ogitsu Michinaka Sugano Tatsushi Nakamoto Kento Suzuki Satoshi Awaji (Tohoku University) Dr Hidetoshi Oguro (Tokai university) Amalia Ballarino (CERN) Simon Hopkins (CERN) Arnaud Devred (CERN) David Larbalestier (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory) Shinya Kawashima (KOBE STEEL, LTD.) Mr Takao Kawarada (KOBE STEEL, LTD.) Mr Yukinobu Murakami (Japan Superconductor Technology, Inc,) Dr Kazuyoshi Saito (Japan Superconductor Technology, Inc,) DAISUKE ASAMI (FURUKAWA ELECTRIC CO., LTD.) Hideki Ii (Furukawa Electric) Hisaki Sakamoto (Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd) Tomoya Kato (Furukawa Electric)

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