Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

20 October 2019 to 2 November 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Projects and supervisors

Students & Project split


 Projects Supervisors  Description    Students  
Having fun with the real cool things - Cryolab

Torsten Koettig

Heat transfer at low temperature, studying the bulk sample to liquid nitrogen heat transfer coefficient under different boiling regimes. The two candidates should be interested in thermodynamic phenomena and low temperature measurements. The goal is to establish a 5 min long presentation for the general public to explain temperature measurement and heat transfer at low temperature. Special focus is on the different heat transfer regimes at surfaces.

Max Spitaler, Moritz Hofer

Continuous integration for software development in the area of the CMS Run Control and Monitoring System

Michael Doser, Maciej Gladki, Hannes Sekulin

Set up continuous integration for software development in the area of the CMS Run Control and Monitoring System. The students will configure a Gitlab project to trigger continuous integration tasks when code is committed or tagged in the GitLab repository. For this project, students should be familiar with Linux and bash scripting and have used git and Gitlab (or Github) before. Ideally they are also familiar with Java and gradle.

Ida Hönigmann

Stabilization of a cw laser system/Mass spectrometry of anionic molecules Sebastian Gerber

In this project we will lock a 399 nm cw laser to a Fabry-Perot cavity using the locking method of Pound-Drever-Hall. We will initially generate sidebands onto the laser beam with current modulation and then record the error signal before the cavity on a photodiode. From that the PID controller setting will be adjusted to lock the laser to the cavity, thus that the laser frequency will follow one Gaussian mode of the cavity. We will then measure the laser power circulating in the cavity and estimate the cavity finesse.


In this project we will record a mass spectrum of negatively charged molecules form an acetylene gas source. We will use a molecular beam formed by a pulsed discharge valve of the gas that is then accelerated to 1 keV in a pulsed tube. The accelerated beam is then sent to a Wien filter setup where we will scan through the different mass components. The molecules beam is recorded using a micro-channel plate detector.

Anja Schwab, Alexis Treitler

How do we detect particles?

Anna Zaborowska, Axel Naumann

The goal of this project is to familiarise students with the basic concepts of particle detection, and in particular, with the idea of a general-purpose detector for High Energy Physics experiments (consisting of sub-detectors with different functionalities). Students will learn how detectors are designed and how they work based on the simulation software (Geant4), and produce a visual aid for other students.

Elias Kunze, Julia Nehlin

LHCb Online

Niko Neufeld, Tommaso Colombo, Marco Cattaneo

The students should configure a raspberry PI (alternatively another MCU) such that it can be used as a portable (battery-operated?) network switch configurator. The way this works is that the device is connected via tto the management port of an unconfigured network switch. It identifies the device , downloads a configuration via wireless network and configures the device. This is extremely useful for the technicians charged with installing dozens of network switches for the LHCb Online network and also later for the poor (expert) person who is unlucky enough to be called in to change a network device during the night.

Can Hopp, Julius Hussl

Website for MIRACLS Simon Sels

The project end goal would be to create a website for MIRACLS.Doing so, the students learn about our project, several different experiments at ISOLDE and physics at CERN in general. They would start by familiarizing themselves with all this before they create a website structure based on the DRUPAL 8 design of CERN. The students would write a small summary text for the website, collect all webcontent, take pictures of ISOLDE and MIRACLS, etc

Valentina Haller, Helene Stepman

CAST magnet Theodoros Vafeiadis

The CAST magnet is supported by a large  platform which allows it to move vertically and pivot horizontally. With the help of the Survey group of CERN a local reference system (GRID) has been created, with precise measurements of 9 (zenith) × 10 (azimuth) points, spread over the entire field of movement of the magnet. The GRID correlates the horizontal and vertical position of the magnet to motor encoder units, which are used for the communication with the control software. The GRID measurements are repeated once every year, to ensure that the structure is pointing to the same angles as in the original GRID. The student will participate in shifts and will learn, hands on, details on the operation of the magnet, the alignment systems and the measurements with the survey team. Then, he or she, together with a phD student, will analyse the data and compare them with the previous GRIDs.

Johanna Berger, Anja Schwab

Fun with magnets

Fabian Bernstein

S’Cool LAB is a hands-on laboratory for high school students at CERN. The team is continuously working on new experiments and workshops. Their newest idea is a workshop on magnets. The project proposed for the two candidates involves the development and building of an electromagnet. This electromagnet should be a flexible system, which can combine several coils, for example to a dipole or a quadrupole magnet. Such a flexible frame can be realized by using a 3D printer. In the end of the project the electromagnet systems should be tested on a real electron beam in S’Cool LAB.

Max Gschwandtner, Anna Reinthaler

Website for MIRACLS Magdalena Kowalska

The project end goal would be to create a website for MIRACLS. Doing so, the students learn about our project, several different experiments at ISOLDE and physics at CERN in general. They would start by familiarizing themselves with all this before they create a website structure based on the DRUPAL 8 design of CERN. The students would write a small summary text for the website, collect all webcontent, take pictures of ISOLDE and MIRACLS, etc.

Natalie Heide, Antonia Kulmburg

Python programming
Barbara Holzer

Die ersten Schritte in der Datenanalyse des Experiments NA62 werden durch ein in der Programmiersprache Python verfasstes Programmpaket gesteuert. Während der Datennahme im Experiment werden die Messwerte der Detektoren auf Magnetband aufgezeichnet. Diese Bänder werden in 26 separaten Schritten analysiert, die einerseits die Kalibrierung für alle Detektorelemente berechnen und andererseits die rekonstruierten Teilchen-spuren in speziellen Dateien zusammen fassen. Auf diesen Dateien basiert die weitere Datenanalyse.
Dieses Python Programmpaket benötigt verschiedene, eng umrissene Verbesserungen, um die Analyse der Daten zu beschleunigen und um das Paket an die laufenden Veränderungen der Informatik Infrastruktur am CERN anzupassen. Unter diesen Aufgaben können sich die Studenten für sie passende aussuchen, mögliche Lösungen recherchieren (am web und an vorhandenen Beispielen), und implementieren. Nach ersten Tests auf ihrem Computer werden die Vorschläge gemeinsam mit der Betreuerin am Programmpaket getestet.
Durch die unterschiedliche Komplexität der möglichen Aufgaben ist das Projekt sowohl für Studenten mit viel, als auch für Studenten mit weniger Programmiererfahrung geeignet. Die Arbeitssprache kann Deutsch sein (oder falls gewünscht Englisch oder Französisch).

Alexandra Waldherr, Simon Greifner

Construction and tests of a large area Multigap  Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) for the EEE (Extreme Energy Events) Despina Hatzifotiadou

The students will construct and test a large area (~ 1 m x 2 m) muon detector for the muon telescope of the Extreme Energy Events project.
​​​​​​​This detector is a Multigap  Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC): a gaseous parallel plate detector with 6 gas gaps. The resistive plates are made of glass and are separated from each other with fishing line spacers; for the signal readout adhesive copper strips are glued on vetronite panels. The chambers are placed in aluminum boxes.
This project involves manual work:  cleaning the glass plates (which come covered with paraffin), stretching the fishing-line in a zig-zag pattern between glass plates, preparing cables and spacers, a lot of soldering, preparing the panels with the copper readout strips, assembling the gas box. At the end of the construction they will test the chamber (electrical connectivity, gas tightness), will put it under  gas flow and measure its efficiency. 
In the beginning they will have an introduction to cosmic rays, the EEE project and the detector operation. They will also find out about the electronics and readout system. 
The EEE project is a cosmic ray experiment involving  Italian High Schools; its aim is the search for extended air showers and events of extreme energy, by detecting the muon component of the shower. The project is mainly financed by Centro Fermi in Rome. Muon telescopes are installed in ~50 Italian schools all over Italy; they consist of three large area MRPCs which the high-school students build at CERN.
Information about EEE

Elias Hohl, Nikolaus Juch, Lucas Hörl

Construction and tests of a large area Multigap  Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) for the EEE (Extreme Energy Events) Despina Hatzifotiadou

The students will construct and test a large area (~ 1 m x 2 m) muon detector for the muon telescope of the Extreme Energy Events project.
This detector is a Multigap  Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC): a gaseous parallel plate detector with 6 gas gaps. The resistive plates are made of glass and are separated from each other with fishing line spacers; for the signal readout adhesive copper strips are glued on vetronite panels. The chambers are placed in aluminum boxes.
This project involves manual work:  cleaning the glass plates (which come covered with paraffin), stretching the fishing-line in a zig-zag pattern between glass plates, preparing cables and spacers, a lot of soldering, preparing the panels with the copper readout strips, assembling the gas box. At the end of the construction they will test the chamber (electrical connectivity, gas tightness), will put it under  gas flow and measure its efficiency. 
In the beginning they will have an introduction to cosmic rays, the EEE project and the detector operation. They will also find out about the electronics and readout system. 
The EEE project is a cosmic ray experiment involving  Italian High Schools; its aim is the search for extended air showers and events of extreme energy, by detecting the muon component of the shower. The project is mainly financed by Centro Fermi in Rome. Muon telescopes are installed in ~50 Italian schools all over Italy; they consist of three large area MRPCs which the high-school students build at CERN.
Information about EEE

Angelina Berthold, Amelie Catharin