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- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
A fundamental element of collaborative experimental data processing infrastructure software is the event processing framework. For computationally expensive stages of data processing, the framework has heavily influenced how data is organized, viewed, and stored, and how algorithms are organized, configured, and scheduled. Design features have, to some extent, been dictated by computing models and available computing facilities.
Advanced in the computing are forcing us to rethink the key organizational elements and concepts held within the frameworks. It is also forcing us to consider the relationships with other traditionally distinct tools involved in workflow and workload management, along with the actual workflow stages outside production. Since framework-related software sits between the experimental HEP community (users that set requirements) and computational resources (dictators of constraints), changes are driven by using what is perceived to be available and providing predicted need.
Key aspects of the frameworks are outlined in the event processing framework section of the community white paper. This workshop provides a follow-up to the ideas formed in the that paper and to the March Naples workshop.
The goal of this workshop is to
At this workshop, we will bring together leading developers of framework components to address issues regarding:
We also want to discuss how the lines between outside systems and workflows ought to be blurred: