8–12 Oct 2018
Casa de Convalescència UAB
Europe/Zurich timezone

Computing & Software for Big Science Journal

8 Oct 2018, 09:30
Aula Magna (Casa de Convalescència UAB)

Aula Magna

Casa de Convalescència UAB

Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 171 08041 Barcelona Spain Phone: +34 935 81 74 01 41° 24' 49.33' 'N 2° 10' 38.94'' E 41.413702, 2.177482
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous


Michel Jouvin (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


The journal Computing and Software for Big Science has been starting 18 months ago as a peer-reviewed journal, with a strong participation of the HEP community. This presentation will give the journal status after this initial period.

Desired length 15


Michel Jouvin (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))

Presentation materials