8–12 Oct 2018
Casa de Convalescència UAB
Europe/Zurich timezone

Cost and system performance modelling in WLCG and HSF: an update

11 Oct 2018, 09:25
Aula Magna (Casa de Convalescència UAB)

Aula Magna

Casa de Convalescència UAB

Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 171 08041 Barcelona Spain Phone: +34 935 81 74 01 41° 24' 49.33' 'N 2° 10' 38.94'' E 41.413702, 2.177482
IT Facilities & Business Continuity IT Facilities & Business Continuity


Dr Andrea Sciabà (CERN)


The HSF/WLCG cost and performance modeling working group was established in November 2017 and has since then achieved considerable progress in our understanding of the performance factors of the LHC applications, the estimation of the computing and storage resources and the cost of the infrastructure and its evolution for the WLCG sites. This contribution provides an update on the recent developments of the working group activities, with a special focus on the implications for computing sites.


Dr Andrea Sciabà (CERN) Jose Flix Molina (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno) Markus Schulz (CERN)

Presentation materials