Site Reports
- Sebastien Gadrat (CCIN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
Site Reports
- Sebastien Gadrat (CCIN2P3 - Centre de Calcul (FR))
Site Reports
- Michele Michelotto (Università e INFN, Padova (IT))
Site Reports
- Michele Michelotto (Università e INFN, Padova (IT))
Site report, news and ongoing activities at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre T2 site (CSCS-LCG2) running ATLAS, CMS and LHCb.
- Brief description about the site, location, size, resource plans until 2020
- Complexities of the collaboration between the 4 parties
- Next steps after LHConCRAY and Tier-0 spillover tests
We will present an update on AGLT2, focusing on the changes since the Spring 2018 report. The primary topics to cover include status of IPv6, an update on VMware, dCache and our Bro/MISP deployment. We will also describe the new equipment purchases and personnel changes for our site.
All projects hosted at KEK have actively proceeded in 2018. The SuperKEKB/Belle II experiment succeeded in observing the first collisions in April 2018 and accumulating the data until July continuously. The J-PARC accelerator has also provided various kinds of the beam simultaneously. Most of the experimental data are transferred to the KEK central computer system (KEKCC) and stored. In this...
News from PIC since the HEPiX Spring 2018 workshop at Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
News from CERN since the HEPiX Spring 2018 workshop at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA.
The Scientific Data & Computing Center (SDCC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) serves the computing needs of experiments at RHIC, while also serving as the US ATLAS Tier-1, as well as Belle-2 Tier-1 facility. This presentation provides an overview of the BNL SDCC, highlighting significant developments since the last HEPiX meeting at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
News and updates from the distributed NDGF Tier1 site.
JLab high performance and experimental physics computing environment updates since the Fall 2016 meeting, with recent and upcoming hardware procurements for compute nodes, including Skylake, Volta, and/or Intel KNL accelerators; our Supermicro storage; Lustre status; 12GeV computing status; integrating offsite resources; Data Center modernization.
PDSF, the Parallel Distributed Systems Facility has been in continuous operation since 1996, serving high energy physics research. The cluster is a tier-1 site for Star, a tier-2 site for Alice and a tier-3 site for Atlas.
This site report will describe lessons learned and challenges met running containerized software stacks using Shifter, as well as upcoming changes to systems management and...
Update on computing at LAL
Site report for Surfsara, formerly known as SARA, part of the Dutch Tier1 site.
We will give an overview of the site and will share experience with these topics: update to the current release of DPM, HT-Condor configuration, Foreman installation and setup.
The Tokyo regional analysis center located at International Center for Elementary Particle Physics in the University of Tokyo supports ATLAS VO as one of the WLCG Tier2 sites.
It provides 10,000 CPU cores and 10 PB disk storage including the local resource dedicated for the ATLAS-Japan member.
All hardware devices are supplied by the three years rental, and current contract will finish at the...
IHEP computing platform has been running a Tier2 WLCG site and a 12,000 local HTCluster with ~ 9PB storage. The talk will talk about the optimization of HTCondor local cluster, the next plan for HPC cluster, the progress has been done with IHEP campus network and new functions provided to users.