David Cussans
(University of Bristol (GB))
The AIDA-2020 Trigger/timing Logic Unit (TLU) was developed as a successor to the EUDET TLU. It can accept signals to from PMT, NIM or TTL sources and generate a trigger for up to four devices under test (DUTs).
The interface with the DUT can either be an asynchronous two way ( trigger/busy ) handshake used for the EUDET TLU or a synchronous interface with clock , trigger and synchronisation signals.
The AIDA-2020 TLU can be integrated into the EUDAQ DAQ framework or used stand-alone.
We describe the functionality of the AIDA-2020 TLU, some measurements of its performance and experience of its use in beam-tests of detectors.
Paolo Baesso
(University of Bristol (GB))
David Cussans
(University of Bristol (GB))