22–25 Jan 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

\texttt{GooStats}: A GPU-based framework for multi-variate analysis in particle physics

Not scheduled
1h 45m


Tuesday 22nd 1:30-4pm : Course - TH Auditorium (4-3-006) Tuesday 22nd 5pm: Bayesian Techniques - Filtration Plant (222-R-001) Wed 23rd: Filtration plant (222-R-001) Thurs 24th: Filtration plant (222-R-001) Friday 25th: Council Chamber (503-1-001)


Xuefeng Ding (Gran Sasso Science Insitute (INFN))


\texttt{GooStats} is a software framework that provides a flexible environment and common tools to implement multi-variate statistical analysis. The framework is based on C++11, CERN ROOT, MINUIT, and \texttt{GooFit}, a popular minimization engine that can run on general purpose graphics processing units. Running a multi-variate analysis in parallel on graphics processing units yields a huge boost in performance and opens new possibilities. The design and benchmark of \texttt{GooStat} will be presented along with its application to the analysis of solar neutrinos of Borexino and JUNO.


Xuefeng Ding (Gran Sasso Science Insitute (INFN))

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