22–25 Jan 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone


Statistical issues in neutrino experiments and contributed talks

24 Jan 2019, 11:00


Tuesday 22nd 1:30-4pm : Course - TH Auditorium (4-3-006) Tuesday 22nd 5pm: Bayesian Techniques - Filtration Plant (222-R-001) Wed 23rd: Filtration plant (222-R-001) Thurs 24th: Filtration plant (222-R-001) Friday 25th: Council Chamber (503-1-001)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Phillip Litchfield (Imperial College, London)
24/01/2019, 11:15
Alvaro Hernandez Cabezudo (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
24/01/2019, 11:30
Fatma Helal Sawy (ENHEP Egyptian Network of High Energy Physics (EG)), Fatma Sawy (INFN Padova)
24/01/2019, 11:45
Prof. Georgia Karagiorgi (CU)
24/01/2019, 12:00
Building timetable...