This is the third workshop on the use of machine learning (ML) across the ATLAS Collaboration. This follows the the first and second in Atlas Machine Learning workshops, and will be similar in focus.
- The agenda is final
- On Wednesday morning, we have a special public session with non ATLAS speakers, or ATLAS speakers talking about public material
- The other sessions are restricted so that ATLAS work in progress can be shown
- We are in Council Chamber, except Tuesday afternoon (starting at 3PM) in IT Auditorium, some distance from building 40 or main building.
- For news concerning this workshop and other ATLAS machine learning events, please make sure you are registered to
- All sessions are on Vidyo (not necessarily on the same Vidyo room, check the session-wise link )
- Participation is free
- Please please register (left hand column) and specify whether you'll be physically present at CERN during most of the workshop.
We'll have a workshop dinner Tuesday night at Café de l'aviation 19h30 (easily reachable with Tram, stop Blandonnet). For 50 CHF, we'll have salade mêlée, the famous steak Caravelle with unlimited french fries, one glass of wine, mineral water and coffee (special dishes, in particular vegetarian will be possible, as well as additional wine). People will pay there. As the room is somewhat limited, please register if you are reasonably sure you are coming, by clicking on the "Registration" menu on the left hand side, then "Dinner registration", registration will close at 7PM Monday, or when all available seats are taken (or if someone cancel). Please cancel, if you've finally decided to not come.
Contact: ATLAS ML conveners, Dan Guest and David Rousseau.