We present powerful new analysis techniques to constrain effective field theories at the LHC. By leveraging the structure of particle physics processes, we extract extra information from Monte-Carlo simulations, which can be used to train neural network models that estimate the likelihood ratio. These methods scale well to processes with many observables and theory parameters, do not require...
The machine learning methods currently used in high energy particle physics often rely on Monte Carlo simulations of signal and background. A problem with this approach is that it is not always possible to distinguish whether the machine is learning physics or simply an artefact of the simulation. In this presentation I will explain how it is possible to perform a new physics search with a...
A lot of work done in advancing the performance of deep-learning approaches often takes place in the realms of image recognition - many papers use famous benchmark datasets, such as Cifar or Imagenet, to quantify the advantages their idea offers. However it is not always obvious, when reading such papers, whether the concepts presented can also be applied to problems in other domains and still...
Lund diagrams, a representation of the phase space within jets, have long been used in discussing parton showers and resummations. We point out here that they can also serve as a powerful tool for experimentally characterising the radiation pattern within jets. We briefly comment on some of their analytical properties and highlight their scope for constraining Monte Carlo simulations. We then...
LHC experiments need to reconstruct the trajectory of particles from the few precise measurements in the detector. One major process is to « connect the dots », that is associate together the points left by each particle. The complexity of the process is growing exponentially with the LHC luminosity, so that new algorithms are needed. The TrackML challenge is a two phases competition to tackle...
Overview of current efforts and plans in HEP to use HPCs for Machine Learning.