We believe that at the heart of the solution of above mentioned challenges should be young people like you who take time to understand our world as scientists and the role of science in the world that we live in. We need to create effective Ambassadors for Science in Society by engaging young people but also decision makers and businesses to help fund fundamental research and education in STEM.
Be our Ambassadors of Science in Society and take responsibility for creating more Ambassadors in education, business and other areas by conveying the message of important positive impact of science on society and sustainability. Help us create science aware citizens!
Established 20 years ago following the recommendations of former CERN Director-General, IPPOG has evolved from a European to a global network that involves countries, laboratories and scientific collaborations active in particle-physics research. Following the model of collaboration in experimental particle physics, on 19 December 2016 IPPOG became a formal scientific collaboration based on a memorandum of understanding, with a budget and a clear vision and commitments.
IPPOG is now in its new era and needs new branding and marketing of its outreach services so that the vital role of particle physics in society is fully understood by our key audiences and potential partners.
It needs to be articulated in a more relevant and engaging way to attract the attention and engagement and passion of young people, teachers, students and even potential funding partners including business community.
IPPOG wants you to increase the visibility of the importance of particle physics and fundamental research for the society. Take part and help us to communicate it and multiply the impact of our efforts! Promote the public understanding of science and various ways it effects our everyday life.
We are passionate about particle physics, can you become passionate too?
After having revised the existing IPPOG activities and branding (ippog.org and more details will be provided to you during your visit to CERN), we ask you to prepare a full marketing plan for IPPOG with different objectives / audiences:
- with an education engagement strategy to increase the number of young people taking-up STEM subjects and encouraging more young people to take-up STEM careers or become a scientist like us.
- for the rest of the world, who won’t become scientists, design an engaging campaign for schools, which excites and educates young people about science and its importance and in particular, the role that particle physics has on the world!
- for physics teachers: working with your teachers please put together a marketing plan to improve the engagement and use of extra-curriculum activities and programmes in particle physics designed by CERN and IPPOG for your teachers and you. If you wish, you can concentrate on Swiss schools. Explore how particle physics can become more widely used in the teaching of science in schools and IB curriculum?
- for fundraising: Funding is critical for the sustainability of our work. Please prepare a fundraising strategy, which engages funding agencies, foundations and big businesses to consider supporting our work. Think about which part/s of the business would be interested in supporting our work. SDGs are an exciting area as more businesses are exploring how they align their business with these important goals.