The correlation of charmonium (and also of heavy quarks in general) production with the charged particle multiplicity is of high interest, as it could give new insight into the interplay between hard and soft mechanisms in particle production, both at parton level and at hadronization.
Experimental data shows an intriguing increase of the self-normalized J/ψ yield with multiplicity.
In this contribution, a study of prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in inelastic proton--proton (pp) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of
The microscopic reasons for this behaviour, like the role of multiple parton interactions, colour reconnections and auto-correlations are investigated, in particular to shed light on the origin of the stronger-than-linear increase and the transverse momentum dependence.
The possibility of disentangling auto-correlation effects from other physical phenomena by measuring the charged-particle multiplicity in different pseudo-rapidity and azimuthal regions relative to the J/ψ direction is investigated.
An experimental measurement of J/ψ production as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity measured in the azimuthal transverse region with respect to the J/ψ is suggested.