16–19 Apr 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Implications of new physics in $b \rightarrow c \tau \nu$ for polarisation observables and $\Lambda_b \rightarrow \Lambda_c \tau \nu$

17 Apr 2019, 18:05
Flavor Flavor


Prof. Ulrich Nierste


Data on $B \rightarrow D \tau \nu$ and $B \rightarrow D^* \tau \nu$ deviate from their Standard-Model expectations. I discuss how precise measurements of polarisation observables can discriminate between different new-physics interpretations. The branching fraction of $\Lambda_b \rightarrow \Lambda_c \tau \nu$ will instead serve as a model-independent cross-check of previous measurements, because it satisfy a sum rule holding in $any$ model of new physics.


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