20–21 Nov 2018
SUT Office
Asia/Bangkok timezone


Site Reports

20 Nov 2018, 11:00
Pojanasarn (SUT Office)


SUT Office

22nd floor, Phayathai Plaza Building, Bangkok, Thailand

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Jingyan Shi (IHEP)
20/11/2018, 11:00
Saqib Haleem (National Centre for Physics (PK))
20/11/2018, 11:20
Vikas Singhal (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
20/11/2018, 11:40
Hua Pei (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
20/11/2018, 12:00
Mr Brij Kishor Jashal (Tata Inst. of Fundamental Research (IN))
20/11/2018, 14:00
Michiru Kaneda (ICEPP, the University of Tokyo), Tomoe Kishimoto (University of Tokyo (JP))
20/11/2018, 14:20
20/11/2018, 14:40
Chinorat Kobdaj (Suranaree University of Technology (TH))
20/11/2018, 15:00
Toru Sugitate (Hiroshima University (JP))
20/11/2018, 15:50
Dr Geonmo Ryu (Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR)), Jin Kim (KISTI), Sang Un Ahn (Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR)), Dr Seoyoung Noh (KISTI Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KR))
20/11/2018, 16:10
Mr Andria Arisal (Indonesian Institute of Sciences (ID))
20/11/2018, 16:30
20/11/2018, 16:50
Building timetable...