Feb 22 – 25, 2007
Europe/Zurich timezone
ATTENTION *** The agenda has been updated *** ATTENTION

Phone/Video Conferences

Video Conferences (VRVS):
The following Sessions might be on VRVS, depending on the convener's goodwill:
Session Virtual Room
Plenary (day 1) SATURN
Magnets and Integration PLANE
Tracker DESERT
Plenary (day 2) FOG
Analysis SKY
Coupling Coils SKY
Preparing phase 1 SKY
 The password is the same as for the talk upload.

Mini Guide to VRVS
In order to
use VRVS services, you first have to  obtain an account.  The registration procedure includes validation of your email, so make sure that you have access to your mailbox.
After creating your account, you can  log in. Please note that the VRVS system uses some popups, so they should be enabled in your browser.
Once you have access to the VRVS system you can enter a room by selecting it from the topmost menu called “Virtual Rooms”.  Then click enter on the left menu. If you click on enter without selecting the room, you see a list of all active meetings.
You can then select MICE by clicking on it.
Once you have entered the virtual room, click on the MBone tool button to access Video and Audio (it takes some time so, please, be patient and refrain from clicking several time on the button)
For more information on how to use the Connection Interface please read  the  Connection Guide.  Reading the VRVS
Recommendations   would be an asset.

Phone Conferences:
All sessions can be made accessible by phone for one or two external participants.
Contact the session convener or Jean-Sebastien Graulich if you wish
to phone in.
The phone number of IT Auditorium is +41 22 767 4010

Additionnally, the following Phone Conferences (accepting more than two caller participants) will be set up from the cern switchboard:

Name: MICE Tracker
Feb 22 2007 From 14:00 to 18:40
name of responsible: Alain Blondel
secret code: 6423

Feb 23 2007 From 09:00 to 12:40
name of responsible: Alain Blondel
very secret code: 6423

You should call +41 22 7677000 and ask for the Conference you want to attend.