Activities at the Globe of Science and Innovation
17:00-18:00 : Screening of the film "Science in Exile"
Nicole Leghissa
"Science in exile" explores how recent violence in Syria, Yemen and Iraq has threatened the lives of four researchers, forcing them to suspend their work and flee their homelands. Director Nicole Lesghissa rightly points out the specific problems encountered by scientists and intellectuals during wartime, and on the roads of exile. In a global context marked by the incease of refugees, the portaits she proposes question challenges the common stereotypes of refugees from a war-ravaged region.
Screening in English with French subtitles.
18:00-18:30: Screening of the film "Matière grise: recherches farfelues" (Grey matter: wacky research)
Patrice Goldberg and Cyril Fleury
Why does a buttered toast always fall on the wrong side? How come that a discus thrower athlete can get dizzy, but a hammer thrower can't? Why are some of us afraid of holes? What secrets are hidden behind our foot smells? These questions may seem odd. Yet, they have been the subject of very serious research, conducted by equally serious scientists. And the answers they bring are sometimes staggering! This episode of the series "Matière grise" makes us discover a science surprisingly serious, and seriously surprising, from an unexpected angle.
Screening in French with English subtitles.
19:00-20:00 : Physiscope Electric Show
What is possibly happening inside the electrical circuits supplying our lamps, our televisions or our walkmans? Is there any electricity in the air? Is the human body conductive? What is the best known conductor?
Discover the surprising properties of electricity and superconductivity through interactive demonstrations.
Show in French.
20:30-23:00 : Screening of the film « Almost Nothing : CERN Experimental City » followed by a debate
Anna de Manincor, ZimmerFrei
When we think about science often we focus on the big discoveries: the Higgs Boson! Gravitational waves! Sometimes maybe we forget about what happens in between: there’s a bunch of people doing the systematic work. At the border between Switzerland and France there's a citadel called CERN, a global community of thousands of people working together towards a common objective. How can they work for years - sometimes decades - as a unique and enormous brainpower? What
are they looking for?
Screening followed by a question-and-answer session with director Anna de Manincor and co-writer Anna Rispoli (VO, subtitles in English and French, simultaneous translation into English during the debate).
17:00-23:00 : Universe of Particles exhibition late opening
A totally unique experience visiting the exhibition "Universe of Particles"
The entire Universe is made up of particles. But where do they come from? What laws govern their behaviour? The purpose of the "Universe of particles" exhibition is for visitors to confront the great questions of contemporary physics, currently being explored by the CERN via the LHC and other accelerators.
Languages: French, English, German, Spanish and Italian.