4:20 PM
Precision Standard Model parameters for matching to SUSY and other ultraviolet completions
Stephen Martin
(Northern Illinois University)
4:40 PM
New Benchmarks for MSSM Higgs-boson searches at the LHC
Sven Heinemeyer
(CSIC (Madrid, ES))
5:00 PM
SUSY Higgs bosons at the HL-LHC and the ILC
Sven Heinemeyer
(CSIC (Madrid, ES))
5:20 PM
A 96 GeV Higgs Boson in the N2HDM
Manimala Chakraborti
(Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC, Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain)
5:40 PM
Rare top quark production: ttZ, ttW, ttgamma, tZ, tgamma, and tttt production
Rick Cavanaugh
(University of Illinois at Chicago (US))