13–14 Nov 2018
Uppsala University
Europe/Zurich timezone


Please find below few suggestions for the accommodation in Uppsala. These are the hotel that our visitors used before and left positive opinions.

Please contact the hotel yourself by phone or by e-mail and book your logging.


Övre Slottsgatan 5, 753 10 Uppsala
Located in the city centre, 15 minutes walk from the Central station.
 Phone: +46 18 15 51 90

City Stay

Trädgårdsgatan 5A, 753 09 Uppsala
 Located in the city centre, 10 minutes walk from the Central station.

Email: booking@citystayuppsala.se
 Phone: +46 18 12 10 00

Clarion Hotel Gillet

Dragarbrunnsgatan 23, 75320 Uppsala
 Located in the city centre, 5 minutes walk from the Central station.
 Phone: +46 18 68 18 00

Other accommodation options

If you wish to stay at another hotel, or you are searching for budget accommodation, visit Desitination Uppsala’s website