There is a dedicated Mattermost team, called boostedatlpc18, setup to facilitate communication and discussions via live chat (which is also archived). The channel is hosted by the CERN Mattermost instance (
If you have never used Mattermost at CERN, please know that you will need your CERN login credentials (SSO) and you will need to join the specific boostedatlpc18 team in order to be able to see (or find using the search channels functionality) the channels setup for communications related to the workshop.
If you already have used Mattermost at CERN, please know that when you click direct links to channels (as you will find below) that are within the boostedatlpc18 team, you *may* be redirected to the last Mattermost team you used. If this happens, remember to click the signup link to join the boostedatlpc18 team ( to switch to the correct team from which you should be able to see the individual channels. If that still doesn't work, remove all cookies associated with and restart your browser.
Once again, please click the signup link to join the boostedatlpc18 team:
Here's the direct link to some of the individual channels (available once you join or switch to the boostedatlpc18 team!):
- Town Square (this is the general channel you land on when you join):
- Offtopic: Can be used for technical concerns
- Also feel free to chat with other members from the workshop or speakers about specific concerns, which you can post to town square or message them directly
Note that you can access Mattermost via browser or you can download the corresponding application running standalone on your laptop or smartphone: The laptop application does not work with CERN certificate login last time we checked.