Batoul Diab
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
J/$\psi$ mesons have been found to be produced with more jet activity than predicted by models in pp collisions at the LHC. J/$\psi$ production has long been known to be modified in nuclear collisions, via Debye screening, as well as by other effects. Indirect evidence, in particular, the non-vanishing $v_{2}$ of J/$\psi$ at large transverse momentum, however, suggests that jet quenching may also play an important role in J/$\psi$ suppression. We present the first measurement of reconstructed J/$\psi$-jets in heavy-ion collisions. We measure the jet fragmentation function of jets containing a J/$\psi$ meson, to study the dependence of quenching effects on the degree of associated hadro-production inside the jet.
Contribution type | Contributed Talk |
Track | Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia |
Collaboration (if applicable) | CMS |
Serguei Petrushanko
(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))