Important Update:
Proceedings deadline extended to September 6, 2020
Conference photos are available
The organizers strongly endorse the APS Board Statement on Racial Violence:
Physics flourishes best when physicists can work in an environment of safety, justice, and equity. Therefore, all of us must work vigorously against systemic racism and to overcome implicit biases. The Board of the American Physical Society believes that it is timely to reaffirm the importance of building a diverse and inclusive physics community, as expressed in the APS Joint Diversity Statement (Human Rights 08.2). The Board expresses deep concern over incidents of racially biased violence and threats of violence against people of color.
The 10th edition of the Hard and Electromagnetic Probes International Conference series will be hosted as an online conference from June 1st until June 5th 2020, with a student day on May 31st. The conference is focused on experimental and theoretical developments on perturbative probes of hot and dense QCD matter as studied in high-energy nucleus-nucleus, proton-nucleus and proton-proton collisions. Specifically, topics for discussion will include:
- Nuclear PDFs and hard processes in nuclei
- Early time dynamics
- Jets and their modification in QCD matter
- High momentum hadrons and correlations
- Heavy quarks and quarkonia
- EM and electroweak probes
- Future experimental facilities
- New theoretical developments