Flow results in small systems at RHIC and the LHC indicate QGP droplets are
formed in these collision systems. Measurements of jet $R_{pA}$ on the other
hand are consistent with no modification to the jets produced. However,
non-zero $v_n$ values for high momentum particles, which in A+A collisions
are attributed to path-length dependent energy loss, have been observed in
small systems. To further probe possible modification to jet particles,
PHENIX measures the relative modification of the near and away-side jet
particles in pi0-hadron correlations in 200 GeV d+Au and 3He+Au collisions.
Modifications similar to the high $p_T$ suppression and low momentum
enhancement of associated particles observed in A+A collisions have been
observed in d+Au collisions. These surprising results have now also been
seen in 3He+Au data. These PHENIX measurements and possible interpretations
of these intriguing results will be presented.
Contribution type | Contributed Talk |
Track | Initial State |
Collaboration (if applicable) | PHENIX |