Exploring potential jet modification in small collision systems with two particle correlations at PHENIX

Jun 1, 2020, 1:55 PM


Oral Presentation Initial State Parallel


Cheuk-Ping Wong


Flow results in small systems at RHIC and the LHC indicate QGP droplets are
formed in these collision systems. Measurements of jet $R_{pA}$ on the other
hand are consistent with no modification to the jets produced.  However,
non-zero $v_n$ values for high momentum particles, which in A+A collisions
are attributed to path-length dependent energy loss, have been observed in
small systems. To further probe possible modification to jet particles,
PHENIX measures the relative modification of the near and away-side jet
particles in pi0-hadron correlations in 200 GeV d+Au and 3He+Au collisions.
Modifications similar to the high $p_T$ suppression and low momentum
enhancement of associated particles observed in A+A collisions have been
observed in d+Au collisions. These surprising results have now also been
seen in 3He+Au data. These PHENIX measurements and possible interpretations
of these intriguing results will be presented.

Contribution type Contributed Talk
Track Initial State
Collaboration (if applicable) PHENIX


Gabor David (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials