Direct photons are a unique probe to investigate properties of a thermalized matter created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). In particular, direct photons at low transverse momentum are very important since thermal photons are supposed to contribute. In recent years, collective behavior has been observed in high particle multiplicity pp and p-Pb collisions at the LHC. These observations could hint to the formation of thermalized partonic systems such as QGP, even in small colliding systems. Measurements of direct photons in p-Pb collisions are crucial to have a better understanding of the matter created in small colliding systems. In ALICE, direct photons are measured via calorimeters or photon conversions technique. The latter allows us to measure #pi^{0}, #eta mesons, and direct photons down to #it{p}_{T} = 0.4 (GeV/#it{c}). In this poster, current status of direct photon measurements will be presented.
Contribution type | Poster |
Track | Electroweak Probes |
Collaboration (if applicable) | ALICE |