Recent data from RHIC and LHC show that RAA and v2 of charm hadrons are very similar to that of light and strangeness hadrons. The RAA of bottom decay daughters at low pT seems to be less suppressed than that of light and charm hadrons, suggesting a mass suppression hierarchy. Precision open bottom measurements over a broad momentum range are needed for a detailed understanding of parton energy loss mechanisms and to characterize the transport properties of the strongly-coupled QGP medium. The sPHENIX detector at BNL’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) will have extensive capabilities for jet and Upsilon measurements. A fast MAPS-based silicon vertex detector (MVTX) is proposed to greatly enhance the heavy flavor detection capabilities of sPHENIX. We will present physics simulation studies on the open bottom measurements within the full sPHENIX tracking environment including the MVTX detector. Open bottom reconstruction has been explored via the inclusive non-prompt D0 daughters and the full exclusive reconstruction of B+→D0π+. Statistical projections on the nuclear modification factor and the elliptic flow measurements will be presented.
Contribution type | Poster |
Track | Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia |
Collaboration (if applicable) | sPHENIX |