Prediction of jet modification in both large and small systems using the Lido transport model

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1h 40m


Poster Jets and High Momentum Hadrons


Wenkai Fan (Duke University)


Jets are excellent probes of the properties of the quark-gluon-plasma. Understanding the evolution of jets inside the hot and dense medium requires a good understanding of the interaction between the medium and the leading parton within the jet. We use a newly developed transport model called LIDO to study this phenomenon. The model includes both large-angle scattering and diffusion processes, as well as improved treatment of parton bremsstrahlung. We conduct a Bayesian analysis of jet parameters in order to determine a high-likelihood range of parameters that is capable of describing various jet observables as well as open heavy flavor observables within a large pT and centrality range in both large and small systems.

Contribution type Poster
Track Jets and High Momentum Hadrons

Primary authors

Wenkai Fan (Duke University) Steffen A. Bass (Duke University) Dr Weiyao Ke (University of California, Berkeley)

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