The observation of multiparticle correlations in heavy ion collisions are usually associated to collective behavior in the formed medium. Recent results at RHIC provide strong arguments for QGP formation in smaller systems.
In this poster, I present the status of the neutral pion second harmonic coefficient v2 as a function of transverse momentum at low and high pT for very central d+Au collisions at 200 GeV. At low pT the v2 is sensitive to the hydrodynamic flow; while at high pT, v2 is sensitive to the in-medium path length dependence thus allowing to constrain qhat.
The data was recorded during the 2016 operational period in PHENIX. The analysis makes use of the central rapidity electromagnetic calorimeter. These results provides strong insight into the dynamics governing the evolution of the fireball at such scales.
Contribution type | Poster |
Track | Jets and High Momentum Hadrons |
Collaboration (if applicable) | PHENIX |