INSIGHTS Kick-Off Workshop

Room "Emiciclo", Via Orto Botanico 15, Orto Botanico di Padova

This two-day event is the first get-together of all participants to the INSIGHTS ITN. It is scheduled to take place in Padova, home of one of the network beneficiaries (INFN-Padova), in the nice setting of the botanical gardens of the University of Padova.

The event follows another event organized by the INSIGHTS network in cooperation with the AMVA4NewPhysics network, a workshop in advanced statistics for physics analysis that takes place at the department of Statistical Sciences of Padova on Sep. 24 and 25 - see . All participants to the kick-off workshop are invited to attend the Statistics workshop on the two previous days.

During the kick-off workshop the network members will get together to discuss the plan of the network action, to meet the newly-hired ESRs, and to hold a Supervisory Board meeting. 
