23–24 Jan 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Oracle partner talk: Making databases smarter and faster: innovations enabled by engineering software and hardware together

23 Jan 2019, 17:10
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map


Cris Pedregal (Oracle)


We present examples that illustrate how jointly designing a database and its underlying hardware enables innovations that overcome substantial technological challenges. Some are fundamental advances in the state of the art, and all yield reliability and performance improvements that discrete component (“converged”) computer systems can rarely attain. For example, tailoring internal network protocols enables analytics queries to run without delaying OLTP commits; pushing computing into storage scales up throughput over limited bandwidth.

This talk is for anyone interested in infrastructure-grade computer systems — not just databases — and aims to reveal the thinking of the technical staff at a large-scale development organization with a reputation for building and delivering systems that are critical for IT infrastructure across all sectors of the global economy.

Presentation materials