Mini-TIM: exploitation of opportunistic resources
How do we best exploit opportunistic resources? Discussing what we can do this year, and the strategy for the next few years.
Goals of this mini-but-dense-TIM
Understand how many resources "heterogeneous" complex to be exploited might be available to ATLAS now and in the coming years, and understand their readiness and how much effort is needed to bring these resources into production with the same quality of service as a well operated large site.
Key points to make this mini-but-highly-dense-TIM as effective as possible:
Speakers should upload slides by Friday. A draft is also OK.
Experts should provide enough details, not to be read during the presentation but in their slides. Slides in this case should be quite self-explanatory. Use backup slides to add more details if needed.
Slides should have an ordered (by importance) list of issues/challenges.
Attached here also some useful overviews on the topic which people are asked to read before the mini-TIM
(this entry can be used in case people have problems with uploading slides)
Torre - Davide & James gave me a plenary slot for a condensed version of the linked talk.
what we can expect from HPC and other "non-Grid" resources
US HPCs - Paolo
EU/Asia HPCs - Andrej
BOINC - DavidC
Commercial clouds - Alexei & PeterLove?
Future machines - Taylor (Machines where and what time scale ? 2021-2022 ?)
tech details on the challenges we are facing on the big machines
Titan/Summit - Danila
Cori,Theta - Doug
SuperMuc - Rod
Others - ? Andrej?
YODA - Taylor
PanDA/JEDI/Jumbo - Tadashi
Harvester for HPC - Tadashi
Data Transfers - Doug
AthenaMP/AthenaMT - Vakho