$N\pi$ excited state contamination in nucleon 3-pt functions using ChPT

21 Jun 2019, 16:30


Parallel Hadron structure Hadron structure


Oliver Baer (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)


The $N\pi$ state contribution to nucleon 3-pt functions involving the pseudoscalar density P(x) and the time component $A_{4}(x)$ of the axial vector current are computed to LO in ChPT. In case of the latter the $N\pi$ contribution is O($M_N$) enhanced compared to the single nucleon ground state contribution. In addition, a relative sign in two terms of the $N\pi$-state contribution leads an almost linear dependence on the operator insertion time, as it is observed in lattice data. In case of the pseudoscalar density the $N\pi$ contribution is strongly dependent on the momentum transfer, leading to a sizeable distortion of the pseudoscalar nucleon form factor. The role the $N\pi$ excited states play in violating the PCAC form factor relation is also discussed.

Primary author

Oliver Baer (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)

Presentation materials